i'm currently unsure on how to carry this sort of format over to newgrounds (maybe that one comic wizard?), so for the time being i'll make a news post that i've been making comics on the side - and the second episode of one named "big rumble in the jungle" is one i just finished last night! its a tiny bit over 200 panels, and isn't anything remotely serious
you can read both episodes here! one special thing with this comic is that there'll be a period after the latest episode's uploaded in which you can vote on stuff. as the time of typing this i still have voting for episode 2 open if that is of interest to you or anyone you may know. i never brought up the first episode because i didn't think anyone here would find it any good - but im open to see what the consensus is
later i'm also considering adding more written works to my site - which i'll post updates here if i remember to. there's one in development with over 10,000 words, and an unfinished novel already available to read as it's old and i do not plan on going back to it